Login issues since upgrading to Timetrex 16 from v 15

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Login issues since upgrading to Timetrex 16 from v 15

Post by etherdancer »

I was running Linux Mint XFCE v 20.3
when I received an email notification from the timetrex server that an automatic "upgrade failed",
so I went straight to the installer where I was notified my php requirements were not met.
In order to upgrade my PHP, I had to upgrade from Linux Mint v 20 to Mint 21. I used "mintupgrade" to complete this and all went well.
I then installed Timetrex 16 from the deb file, and all went well.
I restored my timetrex database and I copied my old timetrex.php.ini file into the /usr/share/timetrex/interface folder, rebooted everything, and ran the installer, which went well. No errors are reported in the database restore log (I do use PgAdmin)
The installer didn't appear to upgrade the database at all, it happened very quickly. After the installer was successfully finished, it took me to the login page and now I can't login. I get the error:
"The network connection was lost. Please check your network connection then try again"

I ensured the firewall is configured as it was before the upgrade (it is), but I disabled it completely for testing. That's not the issue.
I've tested my php-pgsql connection and that's all working fine
I'm not getting incorrect username or password, so I'm confident the database is ok.
I looked in the timetrex log file, and nothing new is posting there since the initial install.
My postgresql logfile isn't showing any errors for timetex at all
I've tried scram-sha-256, md5 and password methods for IPv4 local connections in my pg_hpa.conf

I configured my postgresql.conf listen_addresses = '*'
I tried password_encryption + scram-sha-256 and md5
I'm completely at a loss here :(

That being said, I've attached my apache2 error log file. I don't have cookies disabled????
Apache2Error (1).log
(1 KiB) Downloaded 177 times
For background, we started using Timetrex 7 years ago on linux with a manual install. I setup the PHP, Postgresql, apache2 and timetrex manually.
I've done total clean installs of brand new OS versions, new postgres/apache/timetrex installed and restored the database successfully everytime. I'm not a complete "newb", but this is baffling. Any help I can get will be greatly appreciated.

Note to self TURN OFF AUTO UPDATES. This can't be happening just days before payday :(
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Joined: Thu Jul 27, 2006 11:58 am

Re: Login issues since upgrading to Timetrex 16 from v 15

Post by mikeb »

Note to self TURN OFF AUTO UPDATES. This can't be happening just days before payday :(
Turning off auto-updates will almost certainly result in incorrect payroll calculations due to a missed update. Obviously, bug fixes won't be applied in a timely manner and it circumvents our graceful update process too.

Instead, you may want to consider keeping your OS up-to-date so the auto-updates continue to function. TimeTrex is relatively conservative in its requirements, what you likely ran into is v16.2.0 requires PHP v8.0 rather than v7.4 which is now past its end of life. PHP v8.0 was released over two years ago.

I was running Linux Mint XFCE v 20.3 when I received an email notification from the timetrex server that an automatic "upgrade failed",
so I went straight to the installer where I was notified my php requirements were not met.
If the upgrade fails, especially if its due to out-of-date system requirements, you don't need to fix it immediately, it is simply letting you know it failed. If you have to run payroll in a few days, you can fix the issue at your leisure later and attempt the upgrade again.

In order to upgrade my PHP, I had to upgrade from Linux Mint v 20 to Mint 21.
You can quite easily upgrade PHP separately from the OS itself, for example: https://linuxhint.com/install-php-8-on-linux-mint-20/

I used "mintupgrade" to complete this and all went well.
I then installed Timetrex 16 from the deb file, and all went well.
I restored my timetrex database and I copied my old timetrex.php.ini file into the /usr/share/timetrex/interface folder, rebooted everything, and ran the installer, which went well. No errors are reported in the database restore log (I do use PgAdmin)
You shouldn't have needed to restore the database, unless you never used the .DEB file to install TimeTrex from originally, in which case you likely have two installations of TimeTrex on your system conflicting with one another.

PHP Fatal error: Uncaught ValueError: setcookie(): "domain" option cannot contain ",", ";", " ", "\\t", "\\r", "\\n", "\\013", or "\\014" in
It appears you have an incorrect setting in your timetrex.ini.php file, likely the "hostname" setting is a invalid domain (contains commas, or spaces or something?)

Code: Select all

hostname = "mycompany.com"
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