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Subdomain redirection

Posted: Sun Dec 20, 2020 10:59 am
by ryanjj509
Hi there,

I have just installed TimeTrex on an Ubuntu 20.04 box for testing and am having an issue with TimeTrex redirecting my subdomains. - this gets me to TimeTrex fine as intended.

I only want TimeTrex to be accessible from this domain. However, all non existent subdomains on my server ( are bringing up TimeTrex (with a cert error saying the domain name doesnt match)

Before TimeTrex installation, it would throw a 404 error.

I am not seeing anywhere in my Apache vhost config where it is set to redirect. Also not seeing any .htaccess files for TimeTrex that is doing this either. Any idea as to whats going on here?


Re: Subdomain redirection

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2020 8:41 am
by shaunw
Sorry, the issue you are having has nothing to do with TimeTrex itself, nor does TimeTrex have any control over that whatsoever. Its a DNS or Apache config issue.