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W-2 income tax does not match pay stubs

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 8:53 am
by dschell
When I set up TimeTrex, I made a mistake and set my employee up as though she owed Michigan income tax because we are in Michigan, but she is a military spouse so she actually owes income tax in Georgia, not Michigan.

On her first pay stub, I deducted $12.75 for Michigan income tax. For the second pay stub, after I realized what had happened, I did a pay stub amendment to refund that $12.75. On her final pay stub of the year, it shows that her YTD amount of Michigan State Income tax is " - "
Then under Taxes & Deductions, I set her up for Georgia state income tax.

But on the W-2, it shows that $12.75 was deducted for Michigan taxes after all, even though it wasn't, and that she earned $300 in Michigan wages even though she shouldn't have earned anything in Michigan wages.

Aside from White-out, how can I get Michigan tax - and wages - off her W-2? She didn't earn Michigan wages because she's a Georgia resident (I verified this with the Michigan revenue people).

Timetrex Version: 12.6.2.
OS on host: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Installation method: .Zip file, I believe.
PHP version: 7.3.19-1-deb10u1
Database & Version: psql (PostgreSQL) 11.9 (Raspbian 11.9-0+deb10u1)
Webserver: NGINX 1.14.2
Errors: Have not enabled or checked for errors. This seems like something that is happening because it's supposed to for some reason.

Re: W-2 income tax does not match pay stubs

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:30 am
by dschell
I found a workaround: I simply deleted MI - State Income tax from the Tax / Deductions tab. Pay stubs with addition and subtraction remained unchanged, but the "MI State Wages / Tips" line was gone from the W-2. This would probably not work for organizations with more than one employee, but it worked for me.