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Out of State Tax for Military Spouse not showing income

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 9:12 am
by dschell
I live in Michigan and have an employee who works and lives in Michigan but is a Georgia resident for tax purposes because her husband is military. (Yes, I spoke with Michigan and Georgia tax people to confirm that is how this works).

The problem is, I assigned her to Georgia State Income tax, but when I ran year-end tax calculations, it said she had earned $0 in Georgia wages, tips, etc., even though all her wages should have been Georgia wages. Is there something in the system that doesn't count wages as being in a state even if the employee is assigned to that group, if the employee and employer's address is out of that state? Is there a way to get around this?

Timetrex Version: 12.6.2.
OS on host: Raspbian GNU/Linux 10 (buster)
Installation method: .Zip file, I believe.
PHP version: 7.3.19-1-deb10u1
Database & Version: psql (PostgreSQL) 11.9 (Raspbian 11.9-0+deb10u1)
Webserver: NGINX 1.14.2
Errors: Have not enabled or checked for errors. This seems like something that is happening because it's supposed to for some reason.

Re: Out of State Tax for Military Spouse not showing income

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2021 10:27 am
by dschell
For some reason under tax / deductions it was set to include --none--, rather than total gross. I changed it to total and that got it fixed. I must've messed it up at some point.