"Regular Time" on My Timesheet Screen

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"Regular Time" on My Timesheet Screen

Post by LisaM »


Queries regarding the verbiage on the time sheet screen:

In the middle of the screen Accumulated Time section there's a row entitled "Total Time" (which totals regular time and absence time) and another row entitled "Regular Time" (the actual time worked). At the bottom of the screen in the Paid Time Section, it distinguishes the time as ""Worked Time - 24" and "Paid Absences -16". Finally, in the Accumulated Time section in the bottom right section of the screen, it shows Regular Time - 40 and Total Time - 40.

So, why are the 24 hours (in this particular example) classified as Regular Time in the middle of the screen but then classified as Worked Time at the bottom of the screen. This is confusing because "Regular time" is 24 hours in one place and then 40 hours in another place -- it appears to have two different meanings.
Screen shot 2011-03-29 at 5.55.28 PM.png
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Re: "Regular Time" on My Timesheet Screen

Post by shaunw »

Paid Absences are included in the "Regular Time" total under the Accumulated Time table. That is why the "Paid Time" table exists, to further break it out for you, by Worked Time and Paid Absence time.