Transfer Punches

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Transfer Punches

Post by blabj »

In order to simply move an employee from one department to another, is there an easy method, or is an OUT punch followed by an IN punch (to new department) required?

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Post by shaunw »

They will need to punch out, then punch back in to the new branch/department. However, if the employee uses the "Transfer" flag on their punch window, TimeTrex will automatically do that for them in a single operation.
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Post by blabj »

It would be nice if that Transfer flag was in the "MyTimeSheet" punch window.. my employee's will not be using the web interface.. eventually they'll use a punch clock.. but we want supervisors to modify punches to do the transfer punches.

Also - if you want to "insert" a transfer punch when there is already a IN, OUT for Lunch, IN from Lunch, and OUT.. it seems I have to delete them and re-enter them in sequence.. IE. I cannot add a 10am transfer punch to a new department (between IN and OUT for lunch).. it gives error regarding punch times.

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Post by blabj »

Transfer punches are so far, the biggest issue we have with TimeTrex.

All our department transfers are done the following day - ie. not by the employees, but by the supervisors.

So this means there is already an IN/OUT punch pair when they have to apply the transfer punch.

Currently, for one transfer, they have to
(1) delete the OUT punch
(2) add an OUT punch (out of initial IN punch department)
(3) add an IN punch (into new deparment)
(4) add back the original OUT punch

Thats 4 steps for 1 transfer! In a week, we could have up to 50 department transfers.. way too time consuming and error prone.

I am trying to fix this myself by allowing the transfer flag in the EditPunch screen - but I'm running into problems. I have the interface side done.. thats the easy part. The hard part is getting the punches to register.

There is a restriction which doesn't allow any punches in between an in/out pair.

I'm wondering if there is a sneaky method to just slip in the out/in transfer pair (bypassing the restrictions).. or would I have to literally automate the the 4 steps above?


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Post by shaunw »

All punches have to be paired in TimeTrex, so yes, you basically need to automate the above steps to get it to work properly.

Anyway you cut it, it sounds like a lot of manual work and prone to error in many forms. Most of our customers that do department/job transfers use some sort of hardware device so their employees can easily do it themselves in a matter of seconds, the cost savings can be staggering.

Is this not possible in your situation?
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Post by blabj »

In the past, it had been an issue because we had a bar-code swipe card - and the employees didn't carry these around.. but now they are using finger prints, so it might work. My HR guy is going to speak with the supervisors and get their feedback on this idea.

I have a TT-A8. Can it work with this? If so, Can you let me know what the procedure would be?



PS: But I must still say - even if this is happening.. when they forget to transfer.. the 4 step procedure is still a pain, so I still think it should get fixed.
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Post by shaunw »

If you Edit the station for your TTA8, in the Configuration Modes drop down set Enable WorkCode (Mode 1), then for the Work Code Field Lengths, set the Branch to 0 and Department to 9.

Once you submit that, you can go back in and run the Manual Command "Update Configuration", then restart the clock to make sure the settings take affect.

Once that is done, each time employees punch in/out, it will ask them for a "Work Code". If they enter 0, no department will be set for that punch. If they instead enter a department code (as specified in the Department information in TimeTrex), then they will punch in/out for that department.

Employees don't really need to do any sort of "transfer" punch at the clock. All they need to do is punch in to a new department and if TimeTrex sees that they are already punched in, it will automatically assume its a transfer punch and handle everything for them.

I do agree that if an employee forgets to do any sort of punch (transfer or not), it can be time consuming to make corrections on their timesheet. We will be working to improve this, but an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, it doesn't matter what you are doing, if you are entering incorrect data, its going to become a time consuming problem.
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Post by blabj »

Only 25% of our employees actually transfer departments, so adding a step of punching "0" or dept code to every punch for every employee is a bit of a pain.

If they do press "0", will the default department established for the employee still take effect?

Ideally, it would be great if they could hit function key (to indicate transfer), swipe, and then enter code. So only those 25% which are transferring have to worry about entering codes.

Is the method you describe pretty much the only way?

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Post by shaunw »

Actually the employees can just walk away from the clock when its asking for the work code, the clock will timeout in a few seconds and submit the punch as if the workcode was never asked for (a workcode of "0" essentially means no work code was specified, and TimeTrex will look for a default department instead). If they want to do it faster, they can just hit OK because the work code defaults to 0 anyways.

You could set the clock to Work Code (Mode 2), which will then only ask the employee for the work code if they first press F1 (In Punch), once they enter the work code, they can then scan their fingerprint or proximity card.

So really it comes down to which option will work best for your employees?

In Mode 2, you are likely to find employees forgetting to press F1 first, and either double punching, or not transferring at all, causing time consuming corrections to be made.

In Mode 1 employees have to wait a few extra seconds for the punch to be submitted (only an issue if there is a line-up at the clock), or press OK to speed it up, but chances are much less of someone forgetting to transfer departments.

In my opinion, basing it off experience from other customers, Mode 1 is still the best option to keep corrections to a minimum. We even have some customers who have purchased multiple clocks, so they could use one clock for transfer punches only, and use the other clock for non-transfer punches.

After all it doesn't take that many man-hours of time spent making corrections to pay off a single clock.