Understanding the chron job and consequences of not running

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Understanding the chron job and consequences of not running

Post by lfrazier »


I need to understand the consequences of the chron job not running on a minute-by-minute basis.

What all does it do beside keep things calculated, checking for holidays, compute accruals, etc. Anything behind the scenes that we need to be aware of?

I have worked with many T&A apps in my career. I understand scheduled tasks and maintenance that must occur for a database application. I just do not know from the TimeTrex perspective.


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Post by shaunw »

The TimeTrex maintenance jobs do all sorts of things, from creating new pay periods, calculating exceptions, add new holidays, schedule employee shifts, send out email notifications, daily/weekly maintenance, etc... They don't actually do anything every minute, but they need to be run that often so jobs that need to be run at specific times can be.