Possible Bug

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Possible Bug

Post by Nox »

If I setup a user as a Supervisor (Subordinates Only) they are still able to add punches to employees that are not their subordinates if they go to the Mass Punch interface.

They cannot, however see any non-subordinates if they go to My Timesheet.
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Post by shaunw »

I'm not able to replicate this issue in the latest version of TimeTrex (v2.2.19). Is it possible that you don't have the hierarchy setup correctly, or at all? If you give an employee with supervisor (subordinates only) permissions but don't setup the hierarchy they are essentially treated as a supervisor (all employees) until such time as the hierarchy is setup.
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Post by Nox »

What if they are in the hierarchy, but have no subordinates? And are not sharing with another supervisor on their level.

The system does seem to accept that they have no subordinates if you use the My Timesheet from the drop-down menu, but it still lets you select any employee from the system if you select Mass Punch.

And I just verified that the other menus seem to limit this employees access to only themselves.
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Post by shaunw »

The reason why they can see only themselves in the TimeSheet is because they have View Own permissions. Using the Mass Punch page uses Edit permissions instead, so its treated slightly differently.

The bottom line is this though, if you are assigning employees to Subordinates Only permission group, they need to have subordinates, otherwise there is no point in doing this.
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Post by Nox »

Our ultimate goal was to allow a user to run reports on themselves. Since a normal user cannot do this, our only option was to use an existing feature as it was not intended.

Which is how we discovered the bug. Now we don't know how the software works from an internal standpoint, but we would guess that logically, if someone is a supervisor of subordinates only, and they have no subordinates, they should not be able to see the entire company.

I will go and make a feature request to allow users to run reports on themselves only. In the meantime we have done some more testing and created a dummy user and made them a subordinate of the employee we want to run reports on themselves, which does close the hole. However, we understand that a dummy account would normally take up an active slot on our licenses, but if we put that employee status as terminated, they stay in the hierarchy, they don't take up an active license slot and it still plugs the hole.

Are there any drawbacks you can see with this configuration? We'd like to not hose ourselves using a feature as it was not intended, but if there are no drawbacks, we are comfortable with this workaround.

A Supervisor with no subordinates scenario can also be created if a department is downsized and all subordinates are laid off (as with our HR department).
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Post by shaunw »

What sort of reports do you allow the employee to run on themselves?
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Post by Nox »

Right now, just these:


We don't use the payroll portion of the program, so I don't know what information is on the PAY STUB SUMMARY report. We don't allow SS numbers to be printed on reports or paystubs. We use ADP for paystubs and the SS number is blacked out.
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Post by shaunw »

Most of the information contained on the TimeSheet Summary/Detail reports can be obtained by any employee by clicking on respective icons on the TimeSheet page. (upper left)

Punch Summary report doesn't show much more then the timesheet itself, just in a different format.

Accrual Balance Summary data can be seen by the employee by going to TimeSheet -> Accruals. In fact they can even see more information this way.

Is there any significant information that the employee can see on the reports that they can't see using any of the above alternatives?
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Post by Nox »

We'd like them to be able to run multiple periods at once if they choose.

Also we use the reports to see all of the PTO and Holiday pay broken down into their respective buckets.

The accrual balance menu actually seems to work better than the report for a single user.

I have been playing with the Permission Groups. Could I give regular employees the ability to run reports on themselves that way?
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Post by shaunw »

I believe so, if you give them access to a report, but only give them View Own access in the Employee section of their permissions.