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Add a New Class

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:33 pm
by jpadkins49

I have been requested to make a few changes and add-ins to this product so that it can suit our needs. I would like to make a new class so that I do not have to make any major changes to the existing classes. When I create a new class and drop it in the classes folder, then It does not seem to be able to reference it from the pages I am using it on. Does this item have to be registered in another file such as a config file in order to use it in the page source code. Please excuse my difficulty in using this item. I am a .Net developer and SQL dba and this product is my first foray into the PHP and Smarty items. Again, thanks for the great product.

Jonathan Adkins

Posted: Fri Nov 06, 2009 1:36 pm
by shaunw
No, it doesn't need to be registered anywhere. What it needs to be in the proper directory, and the file/class name need to match the standard naming format.

What directory did you put it in? What was the file name? What was the class name inside the file?