Unable to add users.

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Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:23 am

Unable to add users.

Post by rgaborko »

Well I spoke to soon. Now I am unable to add users.

Getting the Database under maintenance display when trying to add a user.

Debug info as follows:

Code: Select all

(postgres7): select session_id,user_id,ip_address,created_date,updated_date from authentication WHERE session_id = ? AND ip_address = ? AND updated_date >= ?   [ (session_id=>'1bbe43cae70c6046ce3dc6c7e9c7559d') (ip_address=>'') (updated_date=>'1169824302') ] (postgres7): update authentication set updated_date = ? where session_id = ?   [ (updated_date=>'1169838702') (session_id=>'1bbe43cae70c6046ce3dc6c7e9c7559d') ] (postgres7): select * from system_setting   (postgres7): select * from station where company_id = ? AND station_id = ? AND deleted = 0   [ (company_id=>'1') (station_id=>'7796b8d9807cbf41e570d5d490ce0c19') ] (postgres7): select * from cron WHERE deleted = 0 ORDER BY last_run_date DESC LIMIT 1   (postgres7): select d.severity_id as severity_id, count(*) as count from exception as a LEFT JOIN user_date as b ON a.user_date_id = b.id LEFT JOIN users as c ON b.user_id = c.id LEFT JOIN exception_policy as d ON a.exception_policy_id = d.id LEFT JOIN pay_period as e ON b.pay_period_id = e.id where b.user_id = ? AND b.date_stamp < ? AND e.status_id = ? AND NOT EXISTS ( select z.id from request as z where z.user_date_id = a.user_date_id AND z.status_id = 30 ) AND ( a.deleted = 0 AND b.deleted = 0 AND e.deleted=0) GROUP BY d.severity_id ORDER BY d.severity_id desc   [ (user_id=>'1') (date_stamp=>'2007-01-26 00:00:00 EST') (status_id=>'10') ] (postgres7): select id from users where user_name = ? AND deleted=0   [ (user_name=>'rgaborko') ] (postgres7): select id from users where phone_id = ?   [ (phone_id=>'2912') ] (postgres7): select * from user_title where id = ? AND deleted = 0   [ (id=>'1') ] (postgres7): select * from pay_period_schedule where id = ? AND deleted=0   [ (id=>'1') ] (postgres7): select * from policy_group where id = ? AND deleted = 0   [ (id=>'1') ] (postgres7): select id from users where employee_number = ? AND company_id = ? AND deleted=0   [ (manual_id=>'2') (company_id=>'1') ] (postgres7): select * from user_group where id = ?   [ (id=>'2') ] (postgres7): SELECT NEXTVAL('users_id_seq')    /tmp/timetrex//b6/adodb_b6341a7bfcad8e49f25e0593a3f27764.cache cache failure: /tmp/timetrex//b6/adodb_b6341a7bfcad8e49f25e0593a3f27764.cache file/URL not found (see sql below)
(postgres7): select company_id,status_id,user_name,phone_id,password,first_name,title_id,middle_name,last_name,sex_id,address1,address2,city,country,postal_code,work_phone,work_phone_ext,home_phone,mobile_phone,fax_phone,home_email,work_email,sin,birth_date,hire_date,termination_date,employee_number,default_branch_id,default_department_id,group_id,ibutton_id,note,created_date,created_by,updated_date,updated_by,id from users where id = -1   (postgres7): INSERT INTO users ( COMPANY_ID, STATUS_ID, USER_NAME, PHONE_ID, PASSWORD, FIRST_NAME, TITLE_ID, MIDDLE_NAME, LAST_NAME, SEX_ID, ADDRESS1, ADDRESS2, CITY, COUNTRY, POSTAL_CODE, WORK_PHONE, WORK_PHONE_EXT, HOME_PHONE, MOBILE_PHONE, FAX_PHONE, HOME_EMAIL, WORK_EMAIL, SIN, BIRTH_DATE, HIRE_DATE, TERMINATION_DATE, EMPLOYEE_NUMBER, DEFAULT_BRANCH_ID, DEFAULT_DEPARTMENT_ID, GROUP_ID, IBUTTON_ID, NOTE, CREATED_DATE, CREATED_BY, UPDATED_DATE, UPDATED_BY, ID ) VALUES ( 1, 10, 'rgaborko', '2912', '0d2fe7e73eaab5ee053ffbefc03c9e28ad954207', 'Robert', 1, 'C', 'Gaborko', 10, '68 Country Lane', '', 'London', 'CA', 'N5H2Y5', '519-858-6000', '2912', '519-434-8728', '519-617-0646', '', 'rgaborko@internet-helpers.net', 'rgaborko@callgtn.com', '', 1169787600, 1169787600, null, '2', 1, 1, 2, '', '', 1169838702, 1, 1169838702, 1, 14 )   (postgres7): SELECT NEXTVAL('system_log_id_seq')   /tmp/timetrex//01/adodb_01966084020d17b28ed5020acf2dc239.cache reloaded, ttl=82626 [ select object_id,action_id,table_name,user_id,description,date,id from system_log where id = -1 ]
(postgres7): INSERT INTO system_log ( OBJECT_ID, ACTION_ID, TABLE_NAME, USER_ID, DESCRIPTION, DATE, ID ) VALUES ( 14, 10, 'users', 1, 'User Information', 1169838702, 175 )   (postgres7): select a.* from pay_period_schedule as a, pay_period_schedule_user as b where a.id = b.pay_period_schedule_id AND b.user_id = ? AND a.deleted=0   [ (user_id=>'14') ] (postgres7): select * from users where id = ? AND deleted = 0   [ (id=>'14') ] (postgres7): select a.id from pay_period_schedule_user as a, pay_period_schedule as b where a.pay_period_schedule_id = b.id AND a.user_id = ? AND b.deleted=0   [ (id=>'14') ] (postgres7): SELECT NEXTVAL('pay_period_schedule_user_id_seq')   /tmp/timetrex//1b/adodb_1bda5dcfa5cc603488f673d54ec2a4f4.cache reloaded, ttl=85308 [ select pay_period_schedule_id,user_id,id from pay_period_schedule_user where id = -1 ]
(postgres7): INSERT INTO pay_period_schedule_user ( PAY_PERIOD_SCHEDULE_ID, USER_ID, ID ) VALUES ( 1, 14, 13 )   (postgres7): select a.*, b.user_id as user_id from policy_group as a, policy_group_user as b where a.id = b.policy_group_id AND b.user_id in (?) AND a.deleted = 0   [ (0=>'14') ] (postgres7): select * from policy_group where id = ? AND deleted = 0   [ (id=>'1') ] (postgres7): select a.id from policy_group_user as a, policy_group as b where a.policy_group_id = b.id AND a.user_id = ? AND b.deleted=0   [ (id=>'14') ] (postgres7): SELECT NEXTVAL('policy_group_user_id_seq')   /tmp/timetrex//7e/adodb_7e0fedc9fc7d90642a7d0897f51810d1.cache reloaded, ttl=85308 [ select policy_group_id,user_id,id from policy_group_user where id = -1 ]
(postgres7): INSERT INTO policy_group_user ( POLICY_GROUP_ID, USER_ID, ID ) VALUES ( 1, 14, 13 )   (postgres7): select * from user_default where company_id = ? AND deleted = 0   [ (company_id=>'1') ] (postgres7): select a.* from user_default_company_deduction as a where a.user_default_id = ?   [ (id=>'1') ] (postgres7): SELECT NEXTVAL('user_preference_id_seq')   /tmp/timetrex//ed/adodb_edaa0b2470d084770aeeac0adb0260f6.cache cache failure: /tmp/timetrex//ed/adodb_edaa0b2470d084770aeeac0adb0260f6.cache file/URL not found (see sql below)
(postgres7): select user_id,date_format,time_format,time_unit_format,time_zone,items_per_page,start_week_day,created_date,created_by,updated_date,updated_by,id from user_preference where id = -1   FailTrans was called

               ADOConnection.FailTrans() % line   32, file: Exception.class.php
            DBError.__construct(Object:ADODB_Exception) % line  626, file: Factory.class.php
         Factory.getEmptyRecordSet() % line  707, file: Factory.class.php
      Factory.getInsertQuery() % line  801, file: Factory.class.php
   Factory.Save() % line 1854, file: UserFactory.class.php
UserFactory.postSave() % line  848, file: Factory.class.php
Factory.Save(false) % line  342, file: EditUser.php

Debug Buffer
Memory Usage: 7333856
DEBUG [135]: [Function](): URI: /timetrex/interface/users/EditUser.php
DEBUG [137]: [Function](): Production: 1
DEBUG [92]: TTDate::setTimeZone(): Setting TimeZone: PST8PDT
DEBUG [444]: Authentication::Check(): Session Name: SessionID
DEBUG [450]: Authentication::Check(): Session ID: 1bbe43cae70c6046ce3dc6c7e9c7559d
DEBUG [301]: Validator::stripNonAlphaNumeric(): Alpha Numeric String:1bbe43cae70c6046ce3dc6c7e9c7559d
DEBUG [78]: Authentication::getIdle(): Idle Seconds Allowed: 14400
DEBUG [301]: Validator::stripNonAlphaNumeric(): Alpha Numeric String:1bbe43cae70c6046ce3dc6c7e9c7559d
DEBUG [62]: [Function](): User Authenticated: admin
DEBUG [1696]: UserFactory::isInformationComplete(): User Information is Complete:
DEBUG [92]: TTDate::setTimeZone(): Setting TimeZone: Canada/Eastern
DEBUG [108]: TTDate::setDateFormat(): Setting Default Date Format: d-M-y
DEBUG [122]: TTDate::setTimeFormat(): Setting Default Time Format: g:i A
DEBUG [136]: TTDate::setTimeUnitFormat(): Setting Default Time Unit Format: 10
DEBUG [1696]: UserFactory::isInformationComplete(): User Information is Complete:
DEBUG [954]: UserPreferenceFactory::isPreferencesComplete(): User Preferences IS Complete:
DEBUG [105]: [Function](): Station ID Cookie found! 7796b8d9807cbf41e570d5d490ce0c19
DEBUG [196]: [Function](): UnRead Messages: 0
DEBUG [277]: TTDate::parseDateTime(): String: 26-Jan-07 Date Format: d-M-y
DEBUG [370]: TTDate::parseDateTime(): NO Custom Parse Format detected!
DEBUG [373]: TTDate::parseDateTime(): Parsing Date: 26-Jan-07
DEBUG [387]: TTDate::parseDateTime(): Parsed Date: 26-Jan-07 12:00 AM
DEBUG [67]: [Function](): NOT Running strtotime on Termination date
DEBUG [84]: [Function](): Submit!
DEBUG [265]: UserFactory::setCompany(): Company ID: 1
DEBUG [94]: Validator::inArrayKey(): Key: 10
DEBUG [131]: Validator::isRegEx(): Value: rgaborko RegEx: /^[a-z0-9-_\.@]{1,250}$/i
DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: rgaborko Length: 8 Min: 4 Max: 250
DEBUG [394] Array: UserFactory::isUniqueUserName(): Unique User Name: rgaborko


DEBUG [131]: Validator::isRegEx(): Value: 2912 RegEx: /^[0-9]{1,250}$/i
DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: 2912 Length: 4 Min: 4 Max: 8
DEBUG [508] Array: UserFactory::isUniquePhoneId(): Unique Phone ID:


DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: thenexus Length: 8 Min: 4 Max: 64
DEBUG [131]: Validator::isRegEx(): Value: Robert RegEx: /^[a-zA-Z -\.]{1,250}$/i
DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: Robert Length: 6 Min: 2 Max: 50
DEBUG [736]: UserFactory::setTitle(): Title ID: 1
DEBUG [131]: Validator::isRegEx(): Value: C RegEx: /^[a-zA-Z -\.]{1,250}$/i
DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: C Length: 1 Min: 1 Max: 50
DEBUG [131]: Validator::isRegEx(): Value: Gaborko RegEx: /^[a-zA-Z -\.]{1,250}$/i
DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: Gaborko Length: 7 Min: 2 Max: 50
DEBUG [94]: Validator::inArrayKey(): Key: 10
DEBUG [131]: Validator::isRegEx(): Value: 68 Country Lane RegEx: /^[a-zA-Z0-9-,_\.#\ ]{1,250}$/i
DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: 68 Country Lane Length: 15 Min: 2 Max: 250
DEBUG [131]: Validator::isRegEx(): Value: London RegEx: /^[a-zA-Z0-9-\.\ ]{1,250}$/i
DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: London Length: 6 Min: 2 Max: 250
DEBUG [94]: Validator::inArrayKey(): Key: CA
DEBUG [173]: Validator::isPostalCode(): Raw Postal Code: N5H2Y5
DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: N5H2Y5 Length: 6 Min: 1 Max: 10
DEBUG [293]: Validator::stripNonNumeric(): Numeric String:5198586000
DEBUG [160]: Validator::isPhoneNumber(): Raw Phone: 519-858-6000 Phone: 5198586000
DEBUG [293]: Validator::stripNonNumeric(): Numeric String:2912
DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: 2912 Length: 4 Min: 2 Max: 10
DEBUG [293]: Validator::stripNonNumeric(): Numeric String:5194348728
DEBUG [160]: Validator::isPhoneNumber(): Raw Phone: 519-434-8728 Phone: 5194348728
DEBUG [293]: Validator::stripNonNumeric(): Numeric String:5196170646
DEBUG [160]: Validator::isPhoneNumber(): Raw Phone: 519-617-0646 Phone: 5196170646
DEBUG [218]: Validator::isEmail(): Raw Email: rgaborko@internet-helpers.net
DEBUG [218]: Validator::isEmail(): Raw Email: rgaborko@callgtn.com
DEBUG [293]: Validator::stripNonNumeric(): Numeric String:
DEBUG [681]: TTDate::getTimeStampFromSmarty(): Prefix: birth_
DEBUG [715]: TTDate::getTimeStampFromSmarty(): Year: 2007 Month: 01 Day: 26 Hour: 0 Min: 0 Sec: 0
DEBUG [748]: TTDate::getTimeStamp(): - Year: 2007 Month: 01 Day: 26 Hour: 0 Min: 0 Sec: 0
DEBUG [752]: TTDate::getTimeStamp(): Epoch: 1169787600 Date:
DEBUG [256]: Validator::isDate(): Raw Date: 1169787600 Converted Value: 1169787600
DEBUG [256]: Validator::isDate(): Raw Date: 1169787600 Converted Value: 1169787600
DEBUG [106]: Validator::isNumeric(): Value:2
DEBUG [666] Array: UserFactory::isUniqueEmployeeNumber(): Unique Job Item: 2


DEBUG [765]: UserFactory::setDefaultBranch(): Branch ID: 1
DEBUG [794]: UserFactory::setDefaultDepartment(): Department ID: 1
DEBUG [319]: UserFactory::setGroup(): Group ID: 2
DEBUG [737]: Factory::isValid(): Calling Validate()
DEBUG [720]: Factory::StartTransaction(): StartTransaction(): Transaction Count: 0 Trans Off: 0
DEBUG [766]: Factory::Save(): Calling preSave()
DEBUG [737]: Factory::isValid(): Calling Validate()
DEBUG [256]: Validator::isDate(): Raw Date: 1169838702 Converted Value: 1169838702
DEBUG [256]: Validator::isDate(): Raw Date: 1169838702 Converted Value: 1169838702
DEBUG [796]: Factory::Save(): Insert ID: 14
DEBUG [702]: Factory::getInsertQuery(): Insert
DEBUG [256]: Validator::isDate(): Raw Date: 1169838702 Converted Value: 1169838702
DEBUG [106]: Validator::isNumeric(): Value:14
DEBUG [94]: Validator::inArrayKey(): Key: 10
DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: users Length: 5 Min: 2 Max: 250
DEBUG [144]: Validator::isLength(): Value: User Information Length: 16 Min: 2 Max: 2000
DEBUG [720]: Factory::StartTransaction(): StartTransaction(): Transaction Count: 1 Trans Off: 1
DEBUG [766]: Factory::Save(): Calling preSave()
DEBUG [256]: Validator::isDate(): Raw Date: 1169838702 Converted Value: 1169838702
DEBUG [796]: Factory::Save(): Insert ID: 175
DEBUG [702]: Factory::getInsertQuery(): Insert
DEBUG [730]: Factory::CommitTransaction(): CommitTransaction(): Transaction Count: 1 Trans Off: 2
DEBUG [847]: Factory::Save(): Calling postSave()
DEBUG [77]: Factory::removeCache(): Attempting to remove cache: 14
DEBUG [80]: Factory::removeCache(): Removing cache: 14
DEBUG [1741]: UserFactory::postSave(): Pay Period Schedule is set...
DEBUG [1765]: UserFactory::postSave(): Not assigned to ANY Pay Period Schedule...
DEBUG [69] Array: PayPeriodScheduleUserFactory::isUniqueUser(): Unique User ID:


DEBUG [720]: Factory::StartTransaction(): StartTransaction(): Transaction Count: 1 Trans Off: 1
DEBUG [796]: Factory::Save(): Insert ID: 13
DEBUG [702]: Factory::getInsertQuery(): Insert
DEBUG [730]: Factory::CommitTransaction(): CommitTransaction(): Transaction Count: 1 Trans Off: 2
DEBUG [1781]: UserFactory::postSave(): Policy Group is set...
DEBUG [1805]: UserFactory::postSave(): Not assigned to ANY Policy Group...
DEBUG [72] Array: PolicyGroupUserFactory::isUniqueUser(): Unique User ID:


DEBUG [720]: Factory::StartTransaction(): StartTransaction(): Transaction Count: 1 Trans Off: 1
DEBUG [796]: Factory::Save(): Insert ID: 13
DEBUG [702]: Factory::getInsertQuery(): Insert
DEBUG [730]: Factory::CommitTransaction(): CommitTransaction(): Transaction Count: 1 Trans Off: 2
DEBUG [1825]: UserFactory::postSave(): Using User Defaults
DEBUG [1828]: UserFactory::postSave(): Inserting Default Deductions...
DEBUG [1843]: UserFactory::postSave(): Inserting Default Prefs...
DEBUG [94]: Validator::inArrayKey(): Key: d-M-y
DEBUG [94]: Validator::inArrayKey(): Key: g:i A
DEBUG [94]: Validator::inArrayKey(): Key: 10
DEBUG [94]: Validator::inArrayKey(): Key: EST
DEBUG [94]: Validator::inArrayKey(): Key: 0
DEBUG [720]: Factory::StartTransaction(): StartTransaction(): Transaction Count: 1 Trans Off: 1
DEBUG [256]: Validator::isDate(): Raw Date: 1169838703 Converted Value: 1169838703
DEBUG [256]: Validator::isDate(): Raw Date: 1169838703 Converted Value: 1169838703
DEBUG [796]: Factory::Save(): Insert ID: 14
DEBUG [702]: Factory::getInsertQuery(): Insert
DEBUG [256]: Validator::isDate(): Raw Date: 1169838703 Converted Value: 1169838703
Posts: 7839
Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:22 pm

Post by shaunw »

Something appears to be extremely wrong with your setup. I've never seen this before.

What is the exact full URL of the down for maintenance page that you are sent to?

Is it possible for me to login to your TimeTrex installation? If so, please email the details to support@timetrex.com.
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:23 am

Post by rgaborko »

Hi Shaun,

The exact URL of the error message is ... enance.php

At this time we do not have a domain pointing at our timetrex installation and it needs to be gotten to by an IP address.

What kind of Login information are you looking for?
Web Login

Pass on that information and I will get it over to you right away.

Rob G
Posts: 7839
Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:22 pm

Post by shaunw »

Your TimeTrex login/password for the administrator employee, as well as shell access ideally. Please email it to support@timetrex.com of course.
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:23 am

Post by rgaborko »

Information has been sent.

You may add me to MSN if you use it or just email me directly:

MSN robgtn at hotmail dot com
Email rgaborko at callgtn dot com

Rob G
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:23 am

Post by rgaborko »

Any leads Shaun? or is this something that is gonna cost the company? We are looking at this with the possibility of purchasing in the future but need to get the free version running first to see if the basics will start giving us what we need before we go to the full package.

Rob G
Posts: 7839
Joined: Tue Sep 19, 2006 2:22 pm

Post by shaunw »

Hi Rob, I passed this on to Mike to take a look and I believe he sent you an email yesterday. He can't do anything because the permissions on your server won't allow him to edit files in the TimeTrex directory.
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:23 am

Post by rgaborko »

Ooops missed the email. CHanged the permissions and tested. Replied to Mike.

Rob G
Posts: 21
Joined: Thu Jan 25, 2007 10:23 am

Post by rgaborko »

Well we got my problems fixed. It appears that when I switched away from the mysql database server that some of the cache files were still there and causing problems. When Mike looked at the problem he suggested that I remove all the files in the cache directory, /tmp/timetrex and this fixed my problems. I was able to add a user and I have a manager going in adding more users and testing this product to it's fullest.

Thanks so much for all the help.

Rob G