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Customizing logo

Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:40 am
by quepasa
Just wondering what is the "best" or preferred way to change the logo. I know we need to keep the "Powered by TimeTrex" box at the bottom, but I would like to change the logo in the header to our company logo.

I know the current image used is \interface\images\timetrex_logo_wbg_small2.jpg

I also know that it is referenced from within the templates

So, I can either change the contents of timetrex_lgog_wbg_small2.jpg, or change what the templates point to.

The problem is that upgrades will overwrite whatever changes I make if I use either of the above methods, and I will have to keep a list of such customizations and redo them every time I upgrade TimeTrex. Is there another method of customization that will not present problems when upgrading?


Posted: Wed Jul 11, 2007 9:43 am
by shaunw
Unfortunately there are no methods at this time that will allow you to change the logo that will persist across upgrades.