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Schedule and Dept Info Disappearing:

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:11 am
by BobD
Schedule and Dept Info Disappearing:

TimeTrex is still in beta in our environment. On a daily basis, a random group of users will lose their Department and Branch definitions. Of these users, a subset will also lose their schedule definitions.
These symptoms seem to occur regularly and do not appear to be tied to any Department, Branch or Schedule or groupings of any of the above. Any ideas of what I should be looking for would be great.

TimeTrex ver. 2.0.1
OS Linux
Database: MySql

I'll be happy to provide any additional info requested.


Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:34 am
by shaunw
What do you mean by lose their schedule definitions, can you give us more detail in this regard?

This sounds really strange, what I would recommend doing is taking daily backups of your MySQL database and after it has happened for a few days sending us those files so we can try to reconstruct what has happened.

As well I would run the Employee Information Summary report on a daily basis with the branch/department columns so you can quickly and easily see if or when the data has changed.

This way you can make a note of exactly which employee data has changed and when, so it will help us narrow down our search.

PS. I recommend upgrading to TimeTrex v2.0.2 before you do any of this.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 9:57 am
by shaunw
Sorry, I was just informed by one of our developers that there is in fact a bug that when a regular employee edits their own contact information, it can sometimes reset their branch/department. This is fixed in v2.0.3 which should be released within a day or two.

This doesn't explain the schedule information disappearing though. So we will still need more information regarding that.

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2007 10:27 am
by BobD
Thanks for the info Shawn.

I have backed up the database and exported to a backup mysql/timetrex system and will be testing the upgrade process over the next few days in preparation for ver 2.03.

With regard to schedule information, employees appear to be dropping off the Recurring Schedule List, if they have also lost the above mentioned Dept/Branch info. I am still unsure if some or all of the "dropped" employees ever were on the Recurring Schedule List to begin with, still gathering data on that, but should have hard data in a few days of observation.