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some questions!

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 2:36 am
by maroon
Dear All,

i'm havin' trouble running timetrex smoothly on a win2k3 server & Apache2triad.

after the installation was successfully completed i've tested everything and things were goin' perfect (I really care the most about the attendance system). I'm not gonna use the payroll thing but as it seems it's all related to each other. anyway, since i have win2k3 server I faced some problems registering the cron job on scheduled task, I always got an error saying:

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Runtime Error!
Program: C:\xxxx\php\bin\php-win.exe
An application has made an attempt to load the C runtime Library incorrectly. etc...
I press OK another dialogue appears saying:
PHP startup: unable to load dynamic libarary 'C:\cccc\php\extensions\php_curl.dll' A dynamic library....etc
the other error is related to cron.php issue and it's about the maintenance thing another error appears after loggin to the system:

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WARNING: TimeTrex maintenance jobs have not run in the last 48hours. Please contact your TimeTrex administrator immediately.
and the last thing is the punch in/out issue after the installation I could punch without any problems, after the maintenance things appeared.. i couldn't with a new error message:

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Incorrect Input!

   1. Pay Period is Currently Locked, or Date/Time is incorrect.
i'm really lost, so please any help would be appreciated

Sincerely Maroon

Best Regards,

Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 8:42 am
by mikeb
The "unable to load dynamic library" is a PHP issue. Does this file exist on your system:


If it does, try loading the extension in your PHP.INI file instead of having TimeTrex dynamically load it. To do this simply add this line to your PHP.INI file:


Then restart Apache.

The maintenance jobs issue is definitely cron.php not being run regularly, or an error occuring. It MAY be related to the php_curl.dll issue, or something else similar. Make sure you've added cron.php to your Windows Scheduler as described during the installation process (install/Done.php) and confirm that it is being run.

The last error about the pay period being locked is probably caused by the maintenance jobs not being run. TimeTrex needs to run specific jobs at specific times behind the scenes to run smoothly, so without that all kinds of weird things can start happening. In this case TimeTrex probably hasn't added the next pay period in your pay period schedule to the system, so you can't punch in/out anymore. The good news is once you get the maintenance jobs running again it should fix itself.


Posted: Fri Oct 20, 2006 11:37 pm
by maroon
Dear mikeb,

thks for relpying, well I've fixed things up

1st- concerning the curl thing error i've done:

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1) I searched for the libeay32.dll and ssleay32.dll files, and found that they were both located in 3 directories, all within the apache2triad main directory: 


2) Upon further inspection I noticed that the versions of the files in the 


folders were the same file size, but were different than the version of the files in the C:\apache2triad\bin folder 

3) I copied the version from the 


folders, into the C:\apache2triad\bin, overwriting the existing versions, prayed about it over lunch, and thankfully, it worked, and Im running fine now, no more issues. 
after that i've enabled the scheduled task for timetrex and restarted the machine.
now i got things running properly with timetrex.
thank you all for your support
