Rounding Policy issues

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Rounding Policy issues

Post by jjoelc »

We have run across a couple of instances where the rounding policy we have in place is not being applied, and I wanted to ask for help getting it resolved.

TimeTrex On-Site 5.2.4
We only have one rounding policy in place to round daily total hours to nearest :15

What we have noticed happenning is:
1~ When an employee forgets to punch IN, but remembers to punch OUT... When the manager goes in and manually adds the missing IN punch, no rounding takes place
2~Midnight Wrap-arounds specifically (possibly every day with more than one set of in/out punches - No rounding is taking place

In the case of 1~ I understand what is happening, but don't know what would be the best way to fix it, and 2~ I can understand for the midnight wrap arounds (since the midnight punches are "added" by timetrex for display, and not true punches...) but I am less sure of other times there are multiple in/out pairs of punches in a single day.

Is there something I should add or change with the rounding policies, or recalculate timesheets, or?...
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Re: Rounding Policy issues

Post by jjoelc »

A little more info: at least with the midnight wrap-arounds it appears that this is what is happening:
-Employee is schedules 11p-7a.
-employee clocks IN at 11:03p,
-the out punch at 7:00a is rounded properly to 7:03a,
-but on the timesheet (with the midnight punched added) this shows up as 0:57 on one day, and 7:03 on the next day. When the employee punches in again that night at say 11:05p, the midnight "punch" makes the daily total 7:52... so the rounding errors compound... does that make sense?

HR of course wants the daily totals (no matter the circumstances) to be even :15 intervals... The only solutions I can think of are manually going through and "fixing" the punches, or possibly disabling the rounding policy most of the time, then before closing the pay period, enable the rounding policy and recalculating all of the timesheets... (not sure if that would work the way I'm thinking or not, just an idea in my head...) I'm hoping you have a better solution :)
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Re: Rounding Policy issues

Post by shaunw »

When Day Total rounding is enabled, TimeTrex only rounds Normal Out punches, but a Normal In punch must exist for that to take place. So in your #1 example, no In punch existed, so TimeTrex couldn't round the Out punch. When the In punch created later, the supervisor must also edit the Out punch and re-submit it again for it to be rounded.

As for the midnight issues, could send us a screenshot of an example where its a problem so we can get a better idea?
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Re: Rounding Policy issues

Post by jjoelc »

Today was end-of pay period day, so I will need to wait to send you an "unadulterated" screenshot of the midnight wrap-around issue ( Found it by looking through the audit trail, since we had manually fixed them). I will post one for you on Monday. I should also have a better idea of whether something like this is happening on non-wrap-around, multiple in/out employees, and send a screenshot of that as well if needed. THANKS!
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Re: Rounding Policy issues

Post by jjoelc »

midnightrounding1.png (10.84 KiB) Viewed 4943 times
OK... attached are 2 screenshots of the midnight wrap-around rounding issue so you can see what is going on. Hope this helps.
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Re: Rounding Policy issues

Post by shaunw »

Okay, I see. So the rounding is actually doing exactly what it should and it is in fact being applied, if you total the two shifts on each day, the total time is rounded properly, for example 0:59 and 7:01 = 8hrs.

However the issue is that you have TimeTrex setup to split shifts at midnight, which basically negates any possible day total rounding that it can do when it splits one shift into two. The shifts must end/start at midnight, so therefore short of making the punches always be exactly on the hour, its impossible to do any daily total rounding. You could get the same effect if you removed your Day Total rounding and replaced it with a 1hr average rounding, but that has its own problems.

If you must have shifts split at midnight, your only other option is to round all punches to the nearest 15minutes.
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Re: Rounding Policy issues

Post by jjoelc »

I was afraid of that. :D I have considered setting up multiple rounding policies (and thus, matching policy groups) as another workaround. I don't like the added complexity that creates (since the policy group an employee would be assigned to would then be dependent on what shift they work, department they are in, etc. as opposed to simply "exempt, non-exempt, or part time) but that may be easier than convincing HR to let me just round all punches to the nearest :15.

As always, thanks for the info, and keep up the great work! (And for what it matters, we are pushing to get the cash released for the on-site business edition company wide, but one step at a time.)